Here are some of the statistics of Legenda from 2024
Legenda has carried out work in 2024 and will continue work in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Latvia and the association's statutes.
The list is as follows:
Provided expertise and consultations to municipalities and state bodies. On the topic of Missing / Buried Soldiers.
1,500 soldiers of the Red Army and the Tsarist Army of the Russian Empire. Have not been buried and have been stored in the Legenda Storage depot for several years and continue to accumulate. This is because the Russian state has not responded to our requests.
At the request of relatives, the repatriation of the remains of four soldiers of the Red Army in Russia has not been carried out due to complete ignorance on the part of the Russian state. The Latvian state arranged the entire documentation package two years ago.
On January 6, 2024, the remains of 145 Russian soldiers and Latvian Riflemen of the First World War were buried in the Sileniek cemetery of Valgunde parish.
On March 16, 2024, the mortal remains of 6 Latvian legionnaires were buried in the Lestenes soldiers' cemetery, Lestenes parish, Tukuma region.
On June 21, 2024, the mortal remains of 543 Red Army soldiers were buried in the Nīkrāces soldiers' cemetery of the Nīkrāces parish of the Kuldīga region, the soldiers were mostly conscripted from Lithuania.
On September 3, 2024, the remains of 199 soldiers of the German army were buried in the Beberbekai soldiers' cemetery, Mārupe county, Babīte parish.
A total of about 96,000 Kilometers were covered in 2024.
Search, exhumation and reburial work continues, ensuring the preservation of the memory of the soldiers and a dignified burial.
Member of the board of the search unit "Legenda" Tālis Ešmits