We already know all their names, below here is a complete list.
These 14 soldiers died from terrible wounds in August 1944 near Liaudona, Latvia.
On June 13, 2020, the Latvian search squad “Legenda” in the forest near Stopany Liaudon parish they found and exhumed the remains of 14 Red Army soldiers from various units of the 26th Rifle - Stalingrad Red Banner Order of the Suvorov Division, they died of wounds in the 30th Medical-sanitary battalion from August 13 to 20, 1944. They were then buried, according to the report of the losses of the headquarters of the 26th Division, exactly where we found them: 600 m to the south of Stopany.

The remains of the Red Army soldiers were found thanks to the story of a local resident.
As it turned out, about 10 years ago, the nameless grave, overgrown with young fir trees, was found and disturbed by a “black digger” - a trophy hunter.
Then the locals found several human bones thrown to the surface and buried them there, under the fir trees. After 10 years, this story reached the commander of the "Legend" Talis Esmits, and last Saturday we went to Liaudon Forest to search for soldiers.

Items found on the soldiers: Aluminium personalised by the soldier and a self-made shoulder rank patch.
During the exhumation, both the local legend and the information from the combat reports of the war were confirmed. The upper layer of the burial was disturbed, but below the soldiers lay as they were buried during the war. Moreover, during anthropological reconciliation, traces of the wounds described in the medical-sanitary battalion report were discovered: found rubber catheters indicated abdominal injuries, characteristic injuries of the skull indicated injuries to the temporal part of the head, and a ligation preserved on the pelvic bone - pelvic injury.

In short, everything says that we can confidently name the soldiers found and begin to search for their relatives.
The most amazing thing is that the names of these 14 soldiers are already immortalised in the fraternal cemetery in Liaudon, although all these 76 years they lay in the forest.
Here are their names:
1. Kuznetsov Sergey Stepanovich, born in 1921, Lance Sergeant,
squad leader of the 62nd separate fighter anti-tank division.
He died of wounds on August 13, 1944.
He was called up by the Mikhailovsky District Military Commissariat, Moscow Region, Mikhailovsky District, where he came from.
Mother - Serafima Ignatyevna, Moscow Region, Mikhailovsky District, Streletsky village council, village Terekhovo. For heroism at the front during his lifetime, he was awarded the medal "For Courage" and the Order of Glory of the 2nd degree.
2. Bakanov Dmitry Alekseevich, born in 1913,
Private, liaison to the 312 rifle regiment.
He died of wounds on August 13, 1944.
Originally from the Penza region., Bekovsky district.
Was drafted from the Kirov District Military Commissariat, Ivanovo Region, Ivanovo, Kirov District. Wife - Voronkova Tatyana Markovna, Ivanovo Region, the city of Kokhma, Bosvik village (?), building № 6. For heroism at the front during his lifetime, he was awarded the medal "For Courage".
3. Kolobaev Ivan Maksimovich, born 1910. (in some documents it is indicated as Kalabaev or Kalobaev)
Private soldier, mortar gunner assistant of the 312th rifle regiment. He died of wounds on August 13, 1944.Originally from the Ryazan region, Spassky district. He was also called up there. Anastasia Ivanovna Kolobaeva (Ryazan Region, Spassky District, Vypolzovo village) is listed as a relative.For heroism at the front during his lifetime, he was awarded the Order of Glory of the III degree.
4. Solomkin Vladimir Andreevich, b. 1923, common soldier, cadet. He died of wounds on August 13, 1944. Originally from the Krasnodar Territory, state farm № 1. Was called up by the Kemerovo District Military Commissariat, the city of Kemerovo. Mother - Natalya Ivanovna, Krasnodar Territory, state farm No. 1, department
6. Mikhailov Nikolay Mikhailovich, born 1926, an ordinary. He died of wounds on August 17, 1944. Originally from the city of Oryol, he was called up by the Oryol RVK, Oryol Oblast, Oryol District. Mother - Pelageya Olimpievna, Oryol, Peresakhanka d. 44, apt. 1.
7. Lapin Georgy Dmitrievich, born in 1916, private, mortar man of the 87th Infantry Regiment. He died of wounds on August 17, 1944. Originally from the Oryol region., Karachev, was called up by the Karachevsky RVK, Oryol region, Karachevsky district. Mother - Stepanida Alekseevna, Oryol Region, Karachev, ul. Nekrasovskaya 3.
8. Smirnov Anatoly Sergeevich, born in 1926, private 128 infantry regiment. He died of wounds on August 17, 1944. Originally from the Yaroslavl region, Susaninsky district, he was also called up there. Mother - Smirnova Klavdiya Petrovna, Yaroslavl region, Susaninsky district, Kuznetsovsky / s, farm Moza.
9. Smirnov Leonid Stepanovich, born in 1902, Private. He died of wounds on August 19, 1944. Originally from the Stalingrad region., Elansky district, was called the Yalovatsky RVK, the Stalingrad region., Yalovatsky district. Wife - Paraskovya Vasilievna, Stalingrad Region, Yalovatsky District, village of Yalovatka.
10. Kulikov Alexander Fedorovich, born in 1926, Sergeant 313 rifle regiment. He died of wounds on August 18, 1944. Originally from the Gorky region., Vorotynsky district. He was also called up there. Mother - Kulikova A.P., Gorky region, Vorotynsky district, Pokrov-Mandansky s / s, village of Pokrovka.
11. Voronchikhin Dmitry Egorovich, born 1919, Sergeant, gunner of the 1040 gun fighter anti-tank artillery regiment. He died of wounds on August 19, 1944. He was called up in the Kirov region., Omutninsky district, from there he was born. Wife - Voronchikhina Zinaida Yakovlevna, Kirov region, Omutninsky district, Khrobystovsky s /s. For heroism at the front during his life, 08.08.1944 was awarded the Order of the Red Star.
12. Kutuzov Nikolay Andreevich, born in 1921, Soldier with the 26 SD. He died of wounds on August 20, 1944. He was a native of the Kalinin region., Rameshkovsky district. Done by Tolmanovsky RVK. Mother - Evdokia Andreyevna, Moscow region Toldomsky district, Dmitrievsky s / s, village of Terekhova.
13. Chumakov Anton Dmitrievich, born in 1894, Private, 26 SD. He died of wounds on August 19, 1944. He was a native of the Kemerovo region., Krayivansky district. Wife - Ekaterina Demyanovna, Kemerovo region, Kraiivansky district, village of Mungatskaya.
14. Yavorsky Nikolay Averyanovich, b. 1922 Lieutenant, Assistant Chief of staff 312 Rifle Regiment of the 26th SD. He died of wounds on August 13, 1944.Originally from the city of Chita, st. Kostyushko-Grigorovich, 17. Cheremkhovsky RVK, Irkutsk Region, was called up. Mother - Yavorskaya Elizaveta Semenovna, Krasnoyarsk, st. Robespierre 18 apt. 30. For heroism at the front during his lifetime, he was awarded the medal "For Courage".
Article by Legenda Member - Regina Locmele-Lunova